Finaly, a FO photoshoot!

That's Red and Little Dead Bear, who she calls Deady Fredy. [ETA: It's Deady Teddy, as some Yetti has corrected me. ] Red is wearing my version of the
RockStar Scarf I made her for Christmas... two years ago? Something like that. I used lime green mohair and Lion brand fun fur becuase it was what I had. She seems to like it, and says it's very warm.
See? the painting I did of Little Dead Bear looks just like him...
Actually, the name is "Deady Teddy"... geez, you say the wrong name once and it stick lick doggie doo to my front door (damn kids). While Deady Freddy is a charming name, it is much to close to the name of "Drop Dead Fred", a movie that I love but is far too mainstream for my polished indie image.
Is caviar mainstream? Oh, no, that's bourgeois...or something like that.
Anyway, yes. Doesn't Deady Teddy look handsome? He's a little aloof... you'll notice he's saying, no pictures. Although, that could be to protect the identity of the strange red-headed Yetti being behind him.
Poor thing.
-Red Out
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