Hello again!
Boy, November is hella busy for me! I feel better than last time, and no, you don't want to know.
Lets see... Haven't knitted a stitch. Not one. Haven't even picked up my needles in days and days, though I look at my yarn and drool now and again.
I did pick up "Folk bags" at Borders. Looks faboo. With all the bag knitting going on, (I blame Rob and Wendy), this book couldn't have come at a better time!
Here's some of the bags I've found patterns for (* means free pattern!):
*Suki, from Knitty
Booga, (link to Wendy), mistress of Booga bags)
Lots of bags from Two Old bags, pictured in Rob's blog , my favorite so far; the felted daypack
And all the other bags on Rob's blog are great too.
anybody else have any neat bag patterns? Maybe I'll take after Wendy and put up a bag pattern page...
Mouse Tales: a blog about... stuff.
For my spinning, knitting, fibery thoughts
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